2737. Spin Room

How quickly the news pivots. Just a year ago everyone was blasting Trump and treating the man like a joke. He wasn’t qualified to be president. He didn’t deserve the political respect of the American people, to say nothing of the world. He didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting elected. Yet here we are, and the news cycle has shifted.

None shifted more than Fox News who at first begged for Trump to leave the race so we could find a more appropriate candidate and now praises the man, often citing how good of a president he is and how much the other news stations aren’t willing to admit his greatness. To quote the late Dennis Green, ‘They are who we thought they were, and we let them off the hook.’ Indeed we allowed a media empire to pivot completely and others to fall into a crooked line of folks who quite suddenly are on the Trump bandwagon. Likewise, we as a viewing audience permitted these outlets that we once lambasted as ‘fake news’ to take hold of our imagination and become the so-called real news while bastions such as the New York Times and Washington Post are being considered the fake news for sticking by their dogged and honest criticism of Trump. Why? It’s the office, stupid.

There is a game played in politics that goes like this: Once you’re in the captain’s chair, you represent everything that chair represents, so we as your humble crew will go down to the end with you. That is how we’ve approached things for years now–unless you’re part of the party out of power. When Clinton was in trouble for having sex (yeah, he did) with that woman. The democrats stood behind him because he was in the big chair. Republicans climbed to the moral high ground and launched attacks. The same is happening now.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Running out of time, so I wanted to cut it off and point out that yesterday was one in a series of lows. I pulled out old blogs from ’13 to get a sense of how far I’ve come and I’m starting to see a pattern. More on that next time.


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