3.329. Reflections on a Thursday Night

This is largely about…

Some Thoughts:

  1. NBA finals are all that was promised and more. Lowry’s long distance 3 pointer was a killer late game move that was all about swag.
  2. Tough day. Emotionally it has not been a good two days for me, and to make matters worse, my most important is in pain.
  3. I’m really biding my time this time around. I’m not motivated to write and am trying to run out the clock any way possible.
  4. These nights will happen.
  5. One reason this night is happening is listed above. Another is the transitional nature of the day. I have my kids back and as with all transition days, they are a mess. Perhaps they are a mess all the time.
  6. Long talk with the first born about his low level of maturity. It is a problem.
  7. Beyond the kids I am adjusting to the summer schedule and that in of itself is a work. I am still trying to figure out my schedule and my routine amidst the madness of my kids.
  8. The steampunk-esque novel kicking around in the back of my mind popped up again today. I think I need to wander back to it sooner than later. That one ought to be my Amazon novel or novel series.
  9. Struggling with the football stuff. Joined up for an all star game and now we are out $400 with no game and no coach in sight. Hot mess.
  10. Well, that’s all. Mission Accomplished.

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