3.336. FreeWrite

I met Nash one night in August. I was driving along the 347 and I saw a man walking. He was about my age and looked tired. He was dressed well enough that he didn’t seem like a bum or dangerous. He just looked like a guy whose car had broken down and needed help. So I pulled over.

He told me his name and said he was trying to get to town. I asked him if he’d broken down and he kind of nodded, but there was a strange look on his face that made me think there was something more. It wasn’t more than a five minute drive to the city from where we were, but it was eight lonely miles by foot.

We pulled into the city just after nine. I let him off at the autozone store. He said it would be fine and he would just walk back. Something in me didn’t feel right about that, so I waited.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I started the freewrite above with a handful of ‘knowns’ and wanted to see where it got me. Nash was going to be a ghost. Nash was going to be from the future. Nash was going to want something. The ‘I’ was going to eventually believe he was crazy. That led to this thing above. Needed more than ten. I was just getting started…
  2. Continue to be alone in regards to the coaching thing. While pre-season OTAs continue, no coaches are contacting me. That leaves me in a position where I don’t feel like I will be coaching this season. Regardless, I will make the play system I desire. I shall deprioritize it, but I will still do it–for me.
  3. Now, what are my priorities?

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