This is trash. Don’t watch it.
Or do.
Be aware that Bautista is a stiff actor who works hard at comedy in this film and it often comes up short. I enjoyed moments of this film and felt the little girl carried it. While I won’t watch it ever again, I don’t feel like I wasted those hours. I watched it with the kids and that was the redeeming quality inherent in the entire thing. If you watch it alone that quality vanishes.. as does the time.
Some Thoughts:
- A lot of discussions about tik tok and youtube and social media influencers and creators lately. In the absence of traditional tv shows and sports these influencers are seeing mainstream boosts to their success and crossing platforms faster than they otherwise would. I do not see it sticking, but I am perfectly aware that I didn’t see it getting this far in the first place.
- Okay, if I separate what I feel from the reality around me then I have to say that these youtubers are always going to drive the social media conversation. I also believe they will phase out like other shows and new ones will replace them. People get bored.