4.423. Stumble

Today was a tough work day. I was swamped with a number of work details that needed ironing out and I failed entirely to access my creativity. I did not write. I still have not written anything of creative value in several days. Time and again there just is not time to do the things I want to do, and that is because of how things transpire on a day to day basis. Today it was kids and the drama commonly associated with co-parenting along with birthday planning.

Here is the thing: When one parent feels like the balance of responsibility is shifting then they fight that shift. I am dealing with that in the most mundane of ways–Paperwork. I don’t mind doing paperwork, however I cannot do the paperwork needed for this, and that should be enough for the ex to take the weight. As with everything it ends up being about more than that. It ends up being about that shift of responsibility and the kids suffer as a result.

I am going to need to let them deal with it on their own. I do a lot. I cannot continue being the one who carries all the weight.

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