
I’m going another friday without doing a freewrite. I just do not have it in me. I find that it is really difficult to even type without error after 10pm let alone exert creative energy. I don’t have anything left in the tank. So that in of itself is a moment of growth. I know I need to structure my writing life around a daylight schedule, because my night game is trash. Heck, I barely even remembered to do the blog.

Two minutes into this thing I don’t even know that I have much more to say other than I hate this low energy crap. I started thinking of food as fuel today, and simultaneously wondering what type of fuel my brain needed in order to be successful. I do not have the answer. In truth I fear that I haven’t been using the right fuel and continue to not to.

Lately post 10pm it isn’t only my mental functions that hit a sharp decline. I wonder how much of that is sugar related though. I tend to load up on simple sugars late and crash soon after.

So many questions… so little time.

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