4.510. Finding the Wow

I just discovered a website called GM Binder that publishes fantasy content. There is a ton of excellent content on the web created by people who just want to have their voice heard. That is the dream, isn’t it? I send stuff out into the digital ether and I hope that it passes by someone’s eyes who can enjoy it. Hopefully I’ll get paid enough for it one day that I can make that pursuit the one thing I do above all others. Hopefully it gives me enough of a chunk of money that I can travel and see places and write about all the places I see.

I’ve learned after all these years that I no longer have the motivations I had when I was 15 or even 25. I’m in a different place and have different goals in life. When I see places like GM Binder I am reminded that those goals are merely evolutions of where I started from; modified to fit this new and interesting world that is emerging around us every day.

I forgot how to find the WOW in writing. I monetized it in various ways and that was the goal. The goal ate my soul. As I let that settle in I think I will start to remember why I write and what I am trying to do with this writing. Perhaps by now I even have something interesting to say.

It is possible that I finally do.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Rough few weeks. Things have happened that I never imagined and I am working to process how to deal with all of it. As I look towards tomorrow’s Thanksgiving I am indeed thankful for the people in my life who love me and I love back.

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