4.512. Black Friday Blog

I am tired.

The end? I wish. I have several more minutes to blather on to you about, well, nothing really. That is how I am describing this latest Black Friday. Much Ado about Nothing (apologies to Shakespeare–whoever you were). Not a lot of useful sales. Not a lot of people in the stores. It felt like any other day in the stores during Covid season. In truth, I became bored of the shopping quickly, because nothing on the shelves felt special. Nothing said, “This is Christmas.” I wound up with a new hoodie and next to no gifts for the kids. Add to that the inability to locate a ps5 and Christmas is going to be a bit of a struggle this year.

I don’t know if this is the way things will be moving forward, but I am left to believe they will be this way. I am left to think that because our culture doesn’t know how to turn the dial back down to normal. Once we move on to the new way then that’s basically it. I mean, people still make bomb shelters and call them ‘prepper caves’. That threat ended 60 years ago…

Some Thoughts:

  1. Lost in the Madden playoffs for the second season straight. I’m enjoying playing Madden with the kids, but losing in the playoffs is absolute junk. I played a very poor offensive game. I tend to do that when I am tired and unfocused (as I was) or when I am left to rely on my QBs ability to evade a dime based rush (as I was). He cannot get the ball off in time and doesn’t respond properly to the pressure. So, he throws errant passes and cannot be relied upon to run against that kind of pressure. The solution? Not sure yet. Gonna start figuring some things out in this brief off season.
  2. I need to have a good week of writing next week, because the last few have been utter trash.
  3. What’s sad about the Madden thing: I’m too tired from Black Friday to be really upset.

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