4.514. Sunday

This is a ramble.

I’m sitting on my two-person couch reserved for me and my lady (matching one in the office). My back is to the sunrise and the fresh litter of puppies noisily nursing in the background. The only kid awake is doing homework (college homework always happens on Sunday). Goldfinger’s Stomping Ground is blasting in the background. The fire, lit for the first time this season, looks beautiful. There is a serenity here. It feels like the beginning of something.

It can be.

Every day is the possibility of a different life and different path. I feel tethered to this daily grind by a few straps of life. I need to get the kids to and from school on certain days of the week. I need to get the one kid to PT once a week. Now that this sports season is over the tethers are limited to what I explained above. I do not consider the rest to be tethers. I grade (almost daily) and I write (again, almost daily) but both of those things are capable anywhere with an internet connection and they don’t determine how or where I spend my daily existence.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how I live. For a long time I lived in two houses. More and more I am starting to consider the two house theory to be the better way to be. By that I mean that I would love to have a home somewhere else where I spend the majority of my time and a ‘touchpoint’ house here in the city where we can still have a connection to what needs to happen in the city for work and for the times when we need to be here for kids.

This could be the way.

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