6.5. Reflections on a Monday Afternoon

Let me start by saying, The Eagles are TRASH.

Not the musical Eagles. I like them. Yes, this is culturally divergent for a black man to say out loud and in a virtual space especially, but yeah. I dig the Eagles music. I hate the Eagles football franchise. These guys straight up threw the game against the Washington Football Team and cost the Giants a playoff spot. This means the Giants have the #11 pick and no actual clout coming off a season where they had sub par players and a new coach trying to institute a new culture.

For the record: I am a Jets fan if only from afar as of late. I mention this because there will be a new coach and he will likely be a coach I have long appreciated (Matt Campbell, Eric Bienemy) at the head of the team. This is important, because I really want to be able to like the Jets for their actions as much as a long-seeded love for the organization. Yes, I am, remarkably, still pissed about the Darnold situation and the team’s insistance to praise him (along with the rest of the known world, though the world is starting to feel like they messed up).

All of that being said, I am absolutely trying to get on track with the work plan and the life plan and the general trajectory of life as it stands. I am trying to find balance. I am trying to find peace in the understanding that I will more than likely be severing my connection with this state (and altering my closest relationships as a result) within the next two years. I gotta get on a good page where I wake up in the morning and make myself better. It has to be the way.

It isn’t. Not yet.

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