6.32. Reflections on a Sunday Night

Just woke from a rare late afternoon/early evening nap. This is the kind of thing my partner does all the time and she looks 20 years younger than me and is actually healthy. So, maybe she is on to something. I am on to something: A reset. A new way forward. A plan where I figure out how to be healthy and move more and do things that are going to make my life feel more full and energized than not. I’m going to get back to walking the dog. He’s rather mindless on the walk, so I will research ways to get his head right and get us both in a better mental and health state. One thing I will try is making him sit every time he pulls at the leash. These walks need to be relaxed. I need to be able to trust him and I cannot thus far.

Here is one thing I do know: I’ve been subpar on the health tip. I’ve been average on the dedication to writing. I have also been terribly distracted by leaving the coaching realm and looking to replace it with something new. That new ought to be my own health. The rest needs to be writing. The writing needs to be first and foremost.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I used to play a lot of Minecraft while listening to audiobooks. I called the experience a minecraft meditation. It represented a way to disconnect from reality and just let myself be consumed by story and creation. A lot of good ideas occurred to me in this fashion. It is time I got back to it.
  2. Used and sued are the same 4 letters.. Just stop putting U first.
  3. Been using space heaters in the office. I wonder how that is going to impact the heating bill?

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