6.85. Reflections on a Thursday Night

Afternoon, actually. It is midday and I am back to the words. Things are looking up in the is story. I am feeling good about the character development. I am feeling good about the characters and the overall story itself seems to work. It hits some of the classic notes but it is a deeper look into the world that i’ve been helping to build for years now and allows me a moment to color the world in my own fashion. I’m happy with the opportunity. I am happy with it both as a stand alone and as a launching pad for future endeavors. This feels like my moment, and I don’t intend to screw it up.

The story is about the world of power. I cannot go into details but I have been researching how the powerful live and think and work and play and the manipulations that exist within these circles. I’m curious about these worlds, as they are as alien to me as Mars or Middle Earth. Still, the idea of all of it is power. It is always power that compels us. I used to think it was love, and perhaps it is love on some level, but power holds equal sway.

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