6.106. Slippage

Yep, another negative blog.

When I clicked on the website it showed a Sunday post and I froze. I don’t miss days. I do fail to hit publish on occasion. On more than one occasion, actually. That is a nasty habit that came partially as a result of the double click needed to publish and partially as me simply not having my stuff together. So, I decided today was a good day to talk about slipping. I’m definitely slipping. In some ways I handle my business but in others I just am not putting the mental reps in as needed. Heck, even now I am asking myself is it Monday or Tuesday?

Covid bears some responsibility. My days are no longer tethered to a work schedule. I don’t watch live TV and there’s no football, so Sunday is just the day my kids go back to their Mom–which is something I don’t want to remember vs. something I do. However, I can’t put too much of the blame on how the world shifted. I need to recognize how I shifted and how I’ve failed to be the best version of myself in this situation.

Yep, another negative blog, indeed.

So, now I need to reign in my focus on getting my act together. I need to do the scheduling I wrote about before. I need to put myself in a state of mind where I am loyal to my priorities. I need to get right mentally and physically while I still have the ability to do just that.

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