6.105. Manic Monday

I’ve gotten to the point where I am practically out of distractions.

I tend to use video games as a way to escape the oft sad reality of my work life (and occasionally the rest of my life as well), but lately the games have not held the same oomph as in previous months, years, etc. It isn’t that I am getting too old but instead I feel as though the weight of what needs doing is just too much for me to push aside–even to the point where gaming to clear my head is less effective. So, I need a new mental palette cleanser.

Some Thoughts:

  1. These blogs are getting shorter and shorter, which is clearly reflective of me not having a whole lot to say and typing slower and slower as a result. Already I’m down to the final four minutes of this thing and I’ve said next to nothing.
  2. So, there is a good takeaway: Stress sheds the ability to be fast in production when needing to be fast is what often brings stress.
  3. The key, I believe, is to find joy in the moments–even the really hard ones. To reflect and learn is to grow and continue down the path. The path is all there is. The moments line the path like trees offering a view.
  4. My wonderful blended family had a few good moments this weekend and that brought me some joy.
  5. I need to take more time to make more lists of joy and remember the view.
  6. I’m trying to also find moments to teach my kids how to be better men. This should be the way but it has not been. I’ve lapsed hard in the pop department.

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