6.137. Freewrite Friday

Blithesome: with lightheartedness or unconcern : gaymerry

Slowly, a formula resolved in Enoch’s mind that suggested that he did not belong in this world. It was not as though he did not belong in any world. Perhaps there were, as one writer eloquently suggested, other worlds than these. Enoch had never seen these other worlds–these parallel incantations of his own expandingly bleak reality. His current relationship to the present suggested that if there were such places than that is in fact where he was meant to be, because here wasn’t it.

So, it was with that mentality that he began to move forward in his daily life. He was able to approach things with the curious aplomb of a man who did not care what happened to him or to those around him. It felt like life then were more of a show than his personal reality. It felt then as if this were a way station on route to his truer purpose.

So, when he saw the man struck by the car he watched the event unfold with true fascination. It played out in his head in slow motion. He felt, as he often did now, that he was meant to learn from these things and understand as an observer might. He did not know his true purpose therefore he did not realize the purpose of his understanding; only that he must.

It did not matter that the person in the car was his sibling. It did not matter in the least.

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