6.963. Reflections on a Thursday Night

Write at the beach any chance you get. Seriously. There is so much wonderful in being out there with the sand and the sea writing the work you love. I’ll be doing some of that tomorrow. I’m excited about it. I did some writing on the road today while my partner drove and it was an excellent experience. The key here is finding a way to find the joy of writing and the time to write in any way and place you can, because being in the office 4 hours a day is great, but not always possible.

I remain convinced that the best writing environment I’ve been in is a NYC bus on the way home. It just worked for me.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Sylvester Stallone is doing a stand alone superhero movie for Prime. Well, that’s the end of that era.
  2. Battlebots is still coming out on the Discovery Channel, so that era is not yet over.
  3. Madden is back. This season it tells the tale of John Madden from player to coach to commentator to the game itself. It is worth hearing.

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