7.9. Reflections on a Thursday Night

Lately Thursdays have felt like a time to sit back and think, ‘WTF happened this week?!’ or something to that effect. Reflections in general are important and doing so at a time when you’re feeling like you’ve moved to a point of transition is even better. Here I am sliding into the weekend and towards my last week of classes and I feel relief. Not entirely, I’ve been on edge all day, but I am feeling a level of relief overall. I am ready for this to be over and to move towards a vacation that has been a long time coming. I’m ready for the 23′ reset and all that comes with that. I’m ready for change, and for growth, and to start getting the last kid ready for high school, and for writing new things and for going new places and for going places more often.

I’m ready for a new dawn. I suppose that is the best way to describe what I am looking for.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I hate being on edge.
  2. Madden has been a wreck. About to be fired as a Franchise owner because of debt. I suppose we ought to switch to coaches in order to avoid this straight up madness. Perhaps then the being in debt part won’t matter so much.
  3. Or maybe it is time to start a new league.

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