7.516. Reflections on a Sunday Night

I’m having the strangest waking dreams about death. They boil down to the idea of being on a journey and staring down the line of my life back to the moment I’m in now but doing so feom a place terribly far away. I don’t know what to make of it but it scares me. Death scares me —I am afraid of the loss and of the absence of everything. It isn’t a jump scare fear but a deep and resounding terror that I often need to force out of my soul. I run from it but I think maybe there is a truth in it that could be worth exploring if I understood how to do so without losing myself. Perhaps that’s what the tunnel is.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Another week emerges and I feel like I am starting to get a grasp on how to function here in this space and time. Schedule is key.
  2. watching season three of umbrella. Show is starting to slip in terms of character and character arc. It isn’t as good but there is still something there in terms of plot.
  3. nearly missed the blog tonight. Bad on me.