
Well, it got worse. It got so bad that I find myself wondering how it possibly could have gotten this bad. We are in the midst of a logic defying trainwreck in the Talis-household. I take total responsibility. Let me break down the problem:

When laying tile I believe I switched directions at one point. Where I had been going from bottom to top of the wall, I shifted to top to bottom. During that time micro cracks had begun to form, pushing the once straight (and new, because as I mentioned yesterday, I had to do it over) tile line down on a slight angle. Somewhere near the middle the entire thing began to look odd. The choice was made to keep going across the top, because that part looked good. However, once I started going down, the line became more and more crooked. Huge cracks began sprouting up as one tile would not lay evenly next to the other. Finally it reached the stage where the tiles were completely disconnected. This is where we are now. Lady Talis is doing her best to address the situation as I sit and blog and try to let my subconscious process exactly how I screwed this up. She’s called me back in to see her results, which is just as well because ten minutes is up and I’ve figured out exactly nothing.


One thing I’ve learned about myself is that I am not good at laying tiles. Especially the stick on variety. I’m also not good with taking input, which is what largely led to the tile issue. I go fast and when I think I’m cooking, the food is burning. This is what has been happening over the course of our home project. We decided to lay wall tiles as a beautiful backdrop to our bedroom and almost immediately, I screwed it up. I continued to do so, finally accepting that things would need to be redone. Yet as the redo is deeply underway, I see more cracks forming in the construction. I’m not good at this. Indeed, it appears that I am getting worse.

DIY is probably not for me if you want a project done right. I’m good at the labor end. I’m good at helping my kid move to a new home, lifting and putting stuff together–which I also spent the day doing. When it comes to fine eye work, I’m not that guy. At least now I know it. Unfortunately, I will be seeing it on the wall basically forever.