7.537. Reflections on a Sunday Night

I don’t have a whole lot. Just…

Some Thoughts:

  1. Coach Prime never won a High School championship. This man with all his talents never won at the High School or college level. He did get it done as a pro. He did get that talent around him.
  2. Speaking of Prime, there is a ton of anger surrounding the choice of the program to not take questions from Sean Keeler. Well, I am glad he did it. I am glad he stood on business. Keeler is in the business of writing negative opinions about the program and about Prime in particular. He’s done nothing but negative hit jobs–every single article has been that way. Why should they continue leaving the door open to that level of negativity? What is the value of allowing that? I know the real argument is banning in general, but you have to recognize situation and nuance. The responses to the ban are not showing nuance and are certainly not looking at Keeler’s body of work. They just see a reporter being banned and call it bad. Nuance matters.
  3. I dislike being in a situation where I cannot rely on having the food I want for the week because the kids done ate it up…

7.536. Reflections on a Terrible Pre-Season

I don’t usually do this on Saturdays, but Giants v. Jets went down earlier and it was a massacre. Six injuries listed including two starting OL. The beating they took was so brutal that at one point Tommy Devito was sacked three times in a row.

The Giants open against the Vikings at Metlife and they can expect some serious blitzing from the Minnesota. They are not capable of handling it and could possibly lose Daniel Jones early on. It could be the best thing that happens to the team. This is the worst OL in football right now, and some serious changes need to come via trades. No more drafting. We need proven OL. In the meanwhile it will be a quick pass game and a ton of runs. I’m counting on 3 wins tops.

The Giants will need to secure a QB for next year and turn things around. Obviously, DJ is not the answer, but there is nobody with mobility left. They could try to get Sanders. There is a shot he falls to the second round following the hype surrounding guys like Dart, Beck, and Ewers–all classic 6’2 – 6’4 white guys who fit the mold of what we still expect an NFL QB to look like. Sadly it is that nonsense that got Drake Maye a job. I mean when you look at the comps it is always race to race. So few comparisons drift beyond that. it is as if we do not know how to see it any other way…

Facts being what they are, the Giants will likely sell on another tall white dude who will fail at the next level because he doesn’t have the comparative talent around him or isn’t in the right system or blah blah blah. I’m just glad Barkley got out and can go chase a championship.