4.404. Waiver Wednesday

I don’t have access to the web this evening, so I will be posting in the morning. What am I posting about? Sports rant. It is Waiver Wednesday after all. With two of the big 5 conferences in football cancelling it looks like there will be little to know college ball. There is still high school ball. There is still youth ball (more on that later). Overall, there is a lot happening in this Covid world, but the approach to dealing with it has been entirely uneven.

Here in AZ most kids probably won’t be back in school physically until October. The first game of the H.S. season for my kids’ team in on October 2nd. Whether or not fans are allowed remains to be seen. However, they are still training every day and expecting to play. It is a strange thing to see the school only open for football players while everyone else shelters in place.

Youth football is also strange. Our league swelled o 98 organizations and over 300 teams. That is with some teams folding under the weight of Covid and others (like ours) limiting our practices in order to be safe. All coaches are wearing masks during practice, and probably will do the same during the game. It still remains to be scene where these games will be. While the H.S. is open to football players it appears to not be open to youth football.

Honestly, I wish we had one rule and one set of behaviors, but we don’t. We are all riding this wave of crazy in our own way and pace. This is dangerous, but it could be worse.

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