4.410. On Lost Words and Other Pitfalls

It is easy to fall out of favor with the words. It doesn’t take a whole lot for that to happen. Some calamities are greater than others and push you further from the keyboard or pen, but others… Well, any bad writer knows how to make an excuse. Good writers know how to not make them.

I am not using good as a replacement word for talent. I am using good as in level of production and ability to generate content. I have had a lot of setbacks in the past week. Today I discovered a large chunk of text and planning material for my novella that I straight up deleted. Lost forever.

I’m becoming a good writer, because I didn’t let it kill me. Not entirely. I’m still here and working and trying to get back into mode. This, in spite of the fact that I’ve lost words I needed. Growth. I am getting better at this writer thing.

One day and one story at a time.

Some Thoughts:

  1. There is this small town in Colorado, up in the mountains where a train passes through. I think the town is called silver something but I am likely wrong. For years that town felt like a set piece in my memory of this life. Not too recently I watched an episode of Unsolved Mysteries where a town identical to the one I speak of was featured. I don’t think it was exactly the same town though. I don’t know why this matters or why this town is in my thoughts again but I have a handful of extremely vivid memories of the place that feel like they happened yesterday. Little moments like walking down a street, or seeing a basketball hoop; stepping off a porch and hearing the creak of the wood. What’s strange is that the moment I drove into the place I connected with it, and I fear a part of me never left.

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