4.412. Reflections on a Thursday Night

Rough day as a dad. My son was injured playing football. He is likely done for the season and perhaps longer depending on the MRI. The injury sucked but what made it worse was me not really knowing how to sit and talk with him about it. He’s a teenager and used to being fairly invincible. Yet, here we are. This is a tough lesson in mortality I don’t think he is actually taking the time and patience to face. Instead he sees this as a minor inconvenience. He is too much like me at that age. Unstoppable and quite unaware. I am not convinced this is a bad way to be. I am not convinced as to how this ends up for him. He may grow from this in a positive way.

Meanwhile, I am still quite overwhelmed. I made a chunk of headway today, managing to get a lot of information online. Part of my job is posting information for classes. Another part of my job is building classes. I haven’t done that. I haven’t even begun the part where I write the novella and additional stories. I’ve fallen out of rhythm in that sense.

I have a ton of work to do. I have more work to do than I’ve had in a long time, and I haven’t gotten to the point of organization yet. That is tomorrow… I hope.

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