4.419. Reflections on a Thursday Night

I think it is time for me to shave.

while this feels like a small acknowledgement it is actually much larger. The lack of shaving is reflective of living in a world where I am not seen. However, I still need to be representative for those around me. I am stopping short of putting on nice clothes every day, but to take care of my face is the least I could do in order to create a semblance of order and normality.

Our world is anything but normal. I was listening to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and I was struck by how much President Zaphod reminded me of President Trump, including the idea of both being so ludicrous to not actually be believable, yet the people rallying behind the strange charisma each projects.

Trump lacks the intelligence of the literary figure, however he has all of the bullheadedness. What makes Trump powerful is not Trump himself, but the people who he is surrounded by who are willing to do or say whatever in support of him. He has fanatics and they come to him for a variety of reasons. That is going to make this man a dangerous opponent. Joe Biden does not have fanatics or even people who like him that much. He is going to need to show that he is putting incredible people in place around him in order to get elected and break this sad, stupid tyranny that is forcing our nation to implode.

We have teens taking up guns and murdering protestors and being defended for their actions on Foxnews. This nonsense needs to end as quickly as possible. The level of crazy our country is putting forward is making us seem dangerously stupid to other nations and the bold ones (Russia) are taking advantage.

Has anyone thought to ask what kind of president Trump will be when he isn’t running for anything–when there is no reelection or real legacy to consider? Will he even bother to do the job? These are the questions keeping me up at night.

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