
Terrible day.

Chadwick Boseman passed away and with him a forming legacy of black superhero stardom. My mid kid asked me, “Why are all the black people dying?!” and I had no answer. It is hard to be in this moment and see the possibilities of what could come of this moment and also see that nothing is coming of the moment. Instead we are dealing with the second redemption (or perhaps the 3rd) and what that means is that there is a ton of fear and there are actions creating this terrible backlash.

More and more white men are carrying guns openly and brandishing said weapons and most recently, using them in what they call defense of the police. The Rittenhouse murders are a prime example of this. This teenager drove down to a protest gun in hand and looking for trouble. He found it and killed two and injured a third, He will likely claim self defense and, in this climate, he will likely be elevated to an OJ like status and that scares me. Fox News is already defending him.

Fundraisers are popping up to defend him and the Fightback defense fund is already leading the defense. See, this is a redemption. This is what always happens with us here in America when we are not the dominant race/culture and are backstopped by a history of neglect and abuse being whitewashed as servitude and American ingenuity.

This is a terrible time and Election or no, it is not getting better.

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