4.421. Work Mode

I am getting back into work mode. This is a huge deal for me, because I need to be in that mode very badly at this point. I am not using my creative energies the way I ought to and I am feeling more and more like a corporate drone pushing contracts around the table in hopes of getting enough money for… what? Exactly.

I want to travel. I want to have time with my love. I want to be happy. I don’t want to feel like I wake up everyday to do pointless work. I want to make a difference in someone’s life in a meaningful and positive way.

Some of this is about perspective and changing the way I look at the work life. It is also a matter of ritual. I need to develop a steady ritual that reflects health and happiness and the life I want to lead.

I am not where (or who) I want to be, and that troubles me. I feel as though the opportunities to be better are before me if I allow myself to grab them.

Some Thoughts:

  1. We are legit moving towards a hyper polarization based on race. This is not going to end well.
  2. Make America Great Again really does sound like a redeemer dog whistle when you listen for it.
  3. Antifa isn’t as big as Fox wants you to think.

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