4.432. 31, 14, 7, 5, 2

Things have been so heavy that it is time to talk frivolity for a bit. I’ve been in a dark place and, well, I am getting through. In the meanwhile I am moving and I am trying to get to the point where I can reduce my outfits. The numbers are how I think that it works…

31 tees. I can wear 31 tees. That gives me one different tee for every day of the week. I’ll need to reduce the number I have to get to it, but I believe that leaves me only with the best of the flock. It works.

14 shorts and underwear. That means I can change them every day for two weeks before I need to wash them. What do I wear in the meanwhile? We will get to that. Now this number does not include gear for games which is also covered later. This is straight shorts life and gym shorts specifically, because that is what I rock in the land of Covid.

7 covers a number of things. 7 pairs of jeans. 7 pairs of nicer pants to go with 7 nice shirts and 7 ties. This also covers 7 sets of bedwear–shorts and tees that aren’t for outdoor use, and sweats as well.

5 focuses us in on the coaching and fan gear. My kids play high school and youth football. I coach the youth side, but I have chosen to stay away from High School coaching. I don’t want to commit to that. 5 covers the articles of clothing I will have from a team. That means I will have enough to sustain 2 practices and game day (3) and two games at the HS level. I should only ever have to deal with two in any given week and be able to wash weekly.

2 is the catch all for randomness. 2 Comic Con costumes. 2 suits. 2 of whatever works and is needed for any particular affair. I’m trying to reduce and two seems like a good number for such randomness.

So, that is me. 31, 14, 7, 5, 2. That is how I intend to order my life.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Don’t let your partner become your ‘problem’. I learned that the hard way. Your partner is your refuge and together is the only way to move forward. I’m back on that page, though it will take a great deal of time and effort to prove it.
  2. That being said, I’m an idiot when it comes to relationships. Like big dumb. Ocean dumb.

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