4.487. Reflections on Election Day

Let me start by saying that a democratic vote is not a choice against freedom. The very idea of that is stupid. Nobody is trying to institute a communist or socialist regime. Nobody wants or appreciates that. Furthermore, the argument that there is nothing positive to be learned from socialism is flat out false. We learn what not to do for certain, but we additionally gained a deeper understanding of the safety net required to ensure a capitalist society. The fact is some of the very institutions that we rely on are based on socialism. Our current president used bankruptcy to save himself more than once. This too is a socialist structure built to provide a safety net for individuals who cannot otherwise maintain the repayment of debt. In short, the political arguments are bullshit, and this is really just about getting people to vote the same way for the same special interests and, largely, about getting particular people rich.

We are being hustled. We have always been hustled. In this new age of hyper-partisanship we are just being hustled more.

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