4.507. What I’m Watching

Lately I’ve been curious about the inputs people receive on a day to day basis. Beyond the crazy spin of OAN and NewsMax and CNN and FOX or whatever flavor of news you prefer (I’m a Reuters and AP guy) there are a lot of inputs we receive that inform our understanding of reality. I thought it would be fun to share what is informing/influencing me at present.

Star Trek: Discovery
I write in a shared universe, so it is always fun to see how people draw their own stories inside the lines of a known world.

The Mandolorian
See above. Beyond that, the set design and the translation from the stills is remarkable. I find this show to be remarkable. It is a western done very well. Even when some of the acting is trash I am not upset at what I see and get from the show.

Not really a great show or terribly engaging, but I’ve been craving corporate based drama and that is extremely hard to find. Apparently it is harder to do very well. Most of what I see swirls around banking–especially young and attractive entry level workers fighting for their jobs.

The Predator (novel)
This is not about the alien but instead a book that is about corporate banking… In other words, see above.

I have a few more of these that are impacting my thinking, but these are the main ones. Tomorrow (or nearabouts) I will start Ready Player 2 on audio and I am gleefully awaiting that tale. I just relistened to RP1 and it got the rough taste of the film out of my mouth. The book is always better. My imagination creates a narrative that visual technology cannot replicate–not yet at least. When the tech arrives that takes my mental image out of my head and throws it on screen, maybe it will give books a run for their money, but I doubt it. There is more to books than the worlds I imagine seeing. There is the way the characters feel inside my head. That is beyond replication or explanation. That is what I get from reading.

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