4.520. Reflections on a Saturday Evening

I’m not on the field.

That is the first thing that went through my mind this morning as I curled my fingers around a cup of coffee and considered my day. I’ve been doing the football thing for close to five months straight. Each Saturday entails a game or an early practice. That situation is over, replaced by family games and video games with the kids. Madden has replaced Argos. Writing has superseded game planing. This is how it ought to be and how it will be for the near future. We are taking a much needed pause from the youth FB world and working on being a better family and being healthier.

Do I miss it? Yes. Heck, I still miss parts of the job I was fired from (paycheck, dealing with writers, knowing I produced something cool). However, everything has a time and a place. Now is the winter of our contentment. I will write and spend time with my partner and we will play in the snow and we will continue to build this amazing family. We will build our bodies too, as so many of these kids and even myself needs time for physical repair. All of this is how we will spend our winter. All of this we will do with love in our hearts.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I want to see snow again this winter. I want to see real snow this time–the stuff you have to trudge through…

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