4.536. Reflections on a Monday Night

I think I found my Madden mojo a little bit. I use the game as a palette cleanser lately, either between writing sessions or as a way to not think about the problems crushing my life. At least Madden is going well. Not much actually is going all that great. That isn’t what this. I’m not going to spend this blog talking about.

Also not going to talk about Trump or the stimulus or any of that. 2020 is ending, and I am looking forward to ’21 and the hope and possibility it can bring.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Neck pain has ebbed some but the more I move it the more the pain returns. I need to get right in my body as much as I need to get on the right page with intentions and knowing how to get to the place I want to be in life with the person I want to be with.

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