4.539. The Night Before Christmas Blog

‘Twas the night before Christmas
And the family was near
All folks were merry and filled with great cheer

The usual drama had come and had passed
The people were ready for good times at last

I was playing Madden and having great fun
I discovered the joy of the run and gun

I stopped just to see what time it was here
The sun was still out; not a star did appear

Not a cloud or a stain on the sky did I see
I knew that good weather was destined for me

For Christmas in the desert comes without the snow
We rely on the lights and the presents to know

We wear our short sleeves and sit by the fire
For this is the place where people retire

But I’m not retired; there’s work yet to do
I must make merry for my Christmas crew

A few years just passed there was Christmas for five
The children were little and not one could drive

Now we are a new family eight faces in all
a few of them short but most of them tall

Most of them happy and merry and bright
Most of them boys who always think their right

Together we make the holiday glow
It doesn’t even matter that we don’t get snow

We get each other and thats all we need
With presents to open and stories to read

And stories to to tell and stories to make
And history to build and futures to take

Its not our first Christmas but it feels rather grand
With kids all around me and partner in hand.

I’m happy, I’m healthy (at least I little, I think)
My days are merry and my job doesn’t stink

The Covid didn’t get us or tear us apart
If anything it brought them all close to my heart

I am very grateful of what I have here
My family, my love, brings that single tear
They make my emotions run fast as the wind
I love them right now and straight till the end

And end this I must because time has passed
This ten minute poem must end at last…

Merry Xmas to all!!!!

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