5.445. Waiver Wednesday

This is the final week of the season for my last of three leagues. I lost in all three. Oddly, I was 7th in all three. 777 though one had 8 and the others had 12 and 16 members respectively. That is not a good showing and wasn’t enough to be a playoff contender in any but the 3rd. That obviously did not go well. Strangely, I was tops in scoring in one of the 3 and right up there in another. It all came down to luck and a few bad picks throughout the season. Apparently fantasy football is a game of inches.

On the Madden front the new season continues. I played the defending Super Bowl champions and lost, because I blew a rather large lead by messing around and leaning on bench players, being too relaxed on defense and trying new stuff out, and flat out not executing down the stretch. We will see them again in the playoffs.

This is how it used to be with games for me. There was always a story involved. It wasn’t just pixels on a screen but characters I got behind and followed and appreciated and this league does that for me. My boys are engaged and I am engaged in the league as well.

Speaking of the boys, the youngest got selected to the state all star squad for 11yr olds. Nice nod for the kid. It involves a road trip to Texas that he will be making without me. That is a first for us both. He needs the nudge. He needs to be on a team where I am not involved, so we can see what kind of player he becomes standing on his own two legs. I feel like he is ready for the challenge.

The sports year has been a strange one. As we careen into 2021 I wonder if the new will be any sort of upgrade from the old. We could all use an upgrade from the nightmare of 2020. It wasn’t just the poorly managed response to the virus either. The year flat out sucked. I am grateful that tomorrow is the last day I need to be associated with it.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I’ll be teaming up with The Center for Science and the Imagination and the Critical Distance website next month for an essay jam. The topic is Covid-19 and gaming. Basically I will be writing micro essays over a few days discussing the intersection between the virus and games. I intend to write out my drafts in this space (over the course of 10 minutes, of course) and publish final drafts over there for their collection. Stay tuned!

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