6.1. Begin

It is time.

I thought about titling this blog ‘Once Upon a New Year’s Eve’ but I thought to myself, what better symbol of change and rejuvenation than to turn the dial on this ten minute rule. As of today we are in the 6th iteration of the blog. Some lasted a year, some longer. Each phase change rang out like a gunshot in my life, showcasing the moments that I moved from what I was to what I am fast becoming.

Today I am starting my new novel. Yesterday I finished a novella draft (long overdue) which was not representative of my best work. It felt like the past. It felt like letting go of a way of being, but also felt like me getting things done. In other words it harkens back to an ancient meme and one of my earliest blog statements, “Finally got my shit together.”

It feels that way. It feels like I made it to the staircase to start climbing towards actually being in the sort of life I’ve long intended. Intent matters, but action matters just as much. I am in a space where the words will flow daily, and all that remains is to figure out the where and when. The universe is giving me a lot of time to work things out, and though this 2021 is a bad place to be in financially, it is a place where opportunity abounds and the time to seize upon those chances is available. I am going to struggle–both with the words and the relationships that fuel me, but I know the struggle has a purpose and ultimately both come from a place of love.

So, on this New Year’s eve I write with purpose and promise, looking forward into the future and believing that good is yet to come. The best is yet to come. I believe that my kaizen is growing and I have a chance to decide who I want to be from here forward. Always forward.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I love coaching. That being said, I am done coaching youth football as of this day. The mental energy I attached to the endeavor is better spent elsewhere and there are more qualified people than I to be on the sideline. It will take real time for this to settle in, but there it is…

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