6.2. Freewrite Friday

First person today. Word of the day: Feckless

If you’re reading this then I’ve been let go. I left a few of these stashed around the office in places most people wouldn’t think to look but the right people will need to look once they really start to understand how to do this job. This was a good job. Well, at least at first I thought it was a good job. It was rope with opportunity and promise for all of 18 minutes. I know that exact time, because that is when I went to the kitchen and met Harold. After that I came to realize that this place wasn’t exactly what I thought or hoped. In fact the place started to look like a hideaway for people who didn’t really have much to offer to the world outside.

This particular letter is number 7 of 19. Yes, I know there is significance in both. I borrow from fiction a lot. I’ve always felt that fiction is the backbone of our reality. One man’s fiction is another man’s religion, you know?

Well, this one is about Harold. I planted it here, because he will never ever look here. In truth he doesn’t work hard enough to have to consider the existence of this place. Harold is a problem. He is more of a problem because the people who hired him feel responsible for him and thus don’t want to face up to the fact that he’s sucking up all the oxygen in the place and making it suck to be here. If you’re reading this then it is because of Harold. He’s the problem you’ll need to find a way to ignore.

Some Thoughts:

  1. The Handover Notes is one of my favorite stories and this moment presented itself as an opportunity to pay homage to that tale. Sadly, I can never find it in print or online… I’d like to read it again.
  2. There is more to be said here, but 10 is ten and that is all there is.

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