6.3. Freewrite Continued

I really wasn’t done there… So let’s continue discussing this feckless antagonist from afar.

Part II

I put this one in the envelope taped to the back of the drawer, because if you really wanted to the cartridges you absolutely had to look there. That’s where I looked when I came to work for this place. No, there weren’t any handover notes for me, but there was this envelope and inside was the number 7 to show how many cartridges were left. 8 had been crossed out. Now 7 (and I am assuming 6?) are crossed out. I wonder if each of us who pass through the position go through this?

So, the cartridges work with the pen and the digital pad is exactly what you need to start organizing things your way. I won’t give you tips here. Everyone has their own method. I will say that you should absolutely agree with whatever Harold says you should do. It makes him feel powerful. He doesn’t check. He isn’t even the guy in charge of any of it, but when he started he supposedly set up the original system and he likes to let people know that.

His system was terrible. I know you’re probably hearing about it right now. Sorry for that. Just remember: the pay is very good for the amount of work you must do. In reality, you’re probably getting paid to put up with the corporate nonsense and the ridiculous level of self protection that goes into each and every interaction in this space.

I’m not built like that, so it didn’t go so well for me–even from the start. Remember: if something seems off or out of place it is safer not to question and to instead accept it as it goes. As they say on that show about the little green dude with the big ears, “This is the way.”

No, I didn’t follow the way nearly enough. That’s why you have this letter. If you find the next one, you’ll figure out exactly why.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Enjoying this, though it has little value beyond excising personal demons. Still it is a good exercise to get those thoughts flowing. It will help me in the long run when I am designing this next novel.
  2. Speaking of the next novel, the novella was not well written and I feel I need to return to it during this novel writing process and give it some of that good sauce I am feeling now. Not yet though. Let me get a few chapters deeper in before I can start looking back at other things.

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