6.27. Filtering In

Since I’ve been ill I have been dutifully avoiding the world.

Since I am starting to move towards recovery (symptoms are either holding steady or improving), I am starting to let the world back in. Turns out Biden is slidin back towards the policies and place where we existed 4 years ago. This is not a bad thing. It is different. It is clearly not the new disruptive ‘norm’ that was established. He’s rolled back everything but Trump’s Wall and, possibly, our membership in the WHO. Haven’t found info about that one yet.

Without giving too much away, I am working on a novel that tackles the nuance of corporate life from the inside and that spurred me to look into financial news and learn more about what has happened and is happening. Fiction–science fiction–is an extrapolation of what is happening now to what could happen tomorrow. So, what could happen tomorrow? Privatization could pave the way to a new kind of nation building. All of the signs are out there. Dubai is a prime example. All we have to do is put our finger on what will be the prime markets and decide that it is okay for the leaders of that market to unite and set their own rules and value. The world goes downhill from there.

But I digress.. One other thing I find interesting is how some movies are being held back. While Matrix, Suicide Squad, and other so-called Blockbusters (including Tom Clancy’s very dark Ode to Rambo, Without Remorse) are being released as streaming films, Top Gun and others are not. The thought is that the movie theater will make a roaring return. I don’t think it will. In a sense we are witnessing a pivotal point in the future of humanity. Will we just go back to how things were or will we change?

Some Thoughts:

  1. I need to turn my mind and thus heart towards physical improvement. There is an opportunity here to get healthy and I need to do that before it is too late for me. I am well over 40 and the belly is showing.
  2. Speaking of which, they never tell you in school that the way to get plumbers crack is to have that belly. Once the belly expands the front of one’s pants the rear slides down to compensate and you see it all…

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