6.28. Waiver Wednesday: Physical Focus

I won’t be watching the Super Bowl with kids this year and that is quite a relief. The NFC title game and the AFC game (which I straight up walked away from over this) was spent listening to one of these 5 kids in particular complain loudly and endlessly about how Tom Brady is covered and treated. He’s terrible. He falls to the ground without being touched. He throws picks. The announcers say everything he does is great… It gets old really fast and it sounds an awful lot like the crap you hear from anyone who has an opinion and is unwilling to accept any reality beyond their opinion. Is some of it true? Of course? Does that dismiss the man’s 20+ years in the NFL, half of them ending in the Super bowl? nope.

That is what I struggle with in terms of teens. I don’t need to struggle with it for the best football game of the season.

That being said, I am looking forward to spending more time working with these boys in general. I absolutely want to be out there running and rehabbing and getting in shape. This is a big sports year for all of them. The youngest is taking a step forward, realizing his potential. The freshman is finally going to be old enough to be a freshman and we get to see if he’s physically hit the point where he can be competitive at the high school level. The Senior is likely ending his career as he rehabs from a torn ACL and prepares for a college life that is unlikely (at this point) to include football.

Through all of this is the thread that I need to get my body right. I am convinced that a mission to train them is helpful to that personal agenda. I will be working towards this over the next few months, with the goal of shredding at least ten lbs of this fat gut. It has to go. It is going to kill me otherwise.

Some Thoughts:

  1. No predictions this week. Let’s wait for the ‘not’ pro bowl blog to discuss.

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