6.34. The Great Disgruntled

It strikes me that I could have a very different life. I could have split off at a million different points in a million different paths and each of those lives would’ve been entirely different. These divergencies still exist and so often I feel like A toy ship swirling around a great drain where everything around me is being sucked into the void of nothingness and I am just watching it all go down.

Okay, so what is really going on is that I am struggling to get this new novel in shape. I am certain all of the above plays a role as I am certain that there is an interplay between how I feel emotionally and what I am able to put on paper (which for the last two days has been absolutely nothing). I don’t know what to do in order to jumpstart this engine and get it going again. I’m really in the struggle this week, which is why I am sharing.

Writers go through this. The good ones are able to break down that wall and put words back on paper and get going. Often the task is too big for the writer–even the ones we know so well. George RR Martin has been talking about this next GoT book for so long that the television series already ended the story he is writing and a spinoff is underway. I don’t intend to be him. I expect to write something of worth today. I just need to get out of my own way and get focused on the task at hand.

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