6.48. On Health Pt. 2

The mind is the key to everything. It is how we process information. It is how we experience the world. It is–if there is a soul–the linking mechanism between that soul and the body. The mind is a biological machine that needs to be maintained. It is also a mechanism that can be completely derailed and broken. Those who commit suicide do so because that mechanism is so out of whack that the halting state feels like a better idea than continuing. Unfortunately the brain is not a non-biological machine. It cannot be rebooted. That is not to say there are not other ways to dive under the hood and get the thing working right.

Doing so is important. One of the ways I do it is through watching shows and reading books. I know, garbage in, garbage out right? I don’t always watch the best stuff or read things that make me a better writer or person. Often I watch and read junk and that still makes me feel good. The idea that it makes me feel good is part of this diving under the hood.

I’m learning how the machinery of my brain works. Along the way I am discovering myself and discovering a path of less stress.

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