6.61. Reflections on a Monday Night

Long days. The weather is tricky. It is cold and then not and then cold again. My mood follows a similar pattern. I don’t have a lot to say this evening, so I will just settle into…

Some Thoughts:

  1. For a brief moment Madden felt good. My boys and I played a few seasons in franchise mode together. It felt like we’d found a way to play together and connect throughout the week. Then, one by one they quit until it was just me and the mid kid. Sadly, a league of two is far less fun. I don’t know where I go from here. Every attempt to maintain a lasting game of any sort with these boys has fallen apart. When we try to add more of the family it just gets worse and worse. The 5 boys have their own thing and that is cool. I just wanted something where I connected with them too.
  2. So, what do I do post Madden? I’ll play Apex a little longer but that game and shooters in general wane rather quickly. I do not have another true ‘escape reality and reload’ gaming distraction beyond Minecraft (which has been less and less that lately). The obvious answer is stop escaping. However, if I do that I wind up so caught up in the reality that I cannot fully immerse in the unreality of the novel world. I need that doorway to stay open especially now when I am so close to fulfilling dreams.
  3. Wow. Not a lot to say at all. I’m sitting here typing slowly and realizing my mind is on E.
  4. Speaking of which, gas prices are sucking again. Sadly, all of this will be blamed on the democrats because it is easier to do that (blame someone in office barely two months) than to look at the reality of why. If you face the reality you are left to realize that the vote is not a quick fix and there is no quick or easy fix to the ills of this world. There is a reason why the theory of intelligent civilizations eventually extinguishing themselves exist. Intelligence foments selfishness.

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