6.63. Waiver Wednesday

I started a new Madden franchise. I’ve abandoned the hope of the family franchise and crawled back into my solo gamer mode. There is still a little fun left to be squeezed out of the game here. I took the Dolphins, turned them into the Diablos, and did my first draft. I used a pretty solid draft from the Maddenshare and it was filled with players that can be built I leveraged the existing talent for picks, hoping to build a long term franchise. Feels good to start something new. I’ll likely play a game or two daily and see how long I can enjoy it. I still do enjoy it, which is good. Outlets matter.

Some Thoughts:

  1. In the real world, crazy football deals are happening. Kyle Van Noy is leaving the Dolphins. It gives the Giants room to make another move defensively if thy can afford it. JJ Watt is a Cardinal and that defense is really starting to look legit. They will be in contention this year and crazy fun to watch.
  2. In the youth world my boy came home from Texas with a ring. His team swept the tourney properly representing AZ as a force worth reckoning with. He played well overall and scored multiple times in multiple games. I’m proud of him. He showed who he was and showed that he has room to grow. Now I need to decide what role I play in the growth of all of them. I cannot afford private training for these boys, so either they don’t get training or they get it from me.

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