6.64. Reflections on a Thursday Afternoon

There are good writing days and there are the ones that absolutely wreck you.

I’ve tried all day long to get on track with this novel and I just do not have it in me today. I believe the best option is to walk away–just for the day. Accept the utter defeat and move on to the new day…tomorrow. Today was not good. Today was me fumbling around looking for a place to dig in and not feeling good about anywhere I landed or certain about any of the locations or scenes. Anything I put to the page felt forced. THE felt forced. HE felt forced. So, I forced it and it didn’t work and I deleted it and I finally decided it was time to move on.

Coming back tomorrow in the same state of mind is not going to be useful at all, so I need to find a clean reset–a win or gain outside the words, or progress/success on some other distant front in order to feel like this is going to be a better day. I need momentum. I presently don’t have any going for me. Starts and fits are the way right now and that has been largely reflected in this blog over the last few weeks.

So, how does a writer break the ‘yips’? Well, I thought about working on my lab, cleaning the backyard, etc. I had a lot of different ideas of ways to manufacture a win, but I think the key will be just having a nice kickback with my lady and remembering a large part of why I do this.

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