6.67. Reflections on a Sunday Night

Long and family filled day. I did not get a ton done, but I enjoyed spending time with my partner and doing a different kind of work–on the house. I realize I need to get back to the novel, and I need to get back to a place of being really productive. I am expecting to be there tomorrow. Honestly, I need to lock myself in a room with no distractions. It is hard to do that here and damn near impossible to do that when the entire family is floating around and looking for stuff to do. This is the upside of in-person school–the kids go away long enough for me to get stuff done. Otherwise, I fail to get any longer than an uninterrupted hour.

Beyond that I’ve been thinking about trying to find new stories outside of my norm–something different enough to kickstart the creative juices. It feels like a slow trickle right now and I need a gusher of creative energy to get my projects done. Heck, I need even more to get through the rest of the work needing done.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Sometimes people really need to be left alone. Sometimes people don’t know how to do that. I live in the space in between at times where my jobs is to subtly let those who don’t know, know.

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