6.68. Process

I know from an outside perspective that my writing process looks nothing like what one would expect. It is not the quiet routine of a King or a Murukami. I don’t set a specific time. I don’t get up at 4 AM. In truth, my process is a hodge podge mix of whatever works in the moment to get my bedraggled brain into a story. Most recently I’ve been absorbing TV shows in the background as I write .

What makes a process mine is that I determine it. I remain comfortable with it. Unfortunately, that has never been the case for me. It doesn’t take long for the people around me to question my process and ultimately usher me towards a way of doing things that they think would work for me or that makes sense to them. Only, it is not them doing the work. It is me and if I need to conform how I create to satisfy the people around me instead of conforming how I create to what is best for me as the creator then I am going to struggle. I am going to spend as much time worrying about what they think and feel about my process as I do trying to actually get the work done. This is the way it goes for me; the way its gone my entire life.

Perhaps the best solution is to leave any public or shared space when writing; to write from a space and during a time where I will be left alone. To work at my own pace and be judged solely by my deadlines.

It is a pleasant fiction.

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