
I was typing in a blog about the woman I love when I decided that this content is far better suited for a love letter. I was left with a jumble of thoughts and ideas that swirl around the concept of belonging. Today is my mid kid’s 10th birthday and we spent it with our extended family-her family. It made me happy beyond measure and more thoughts best reserved for her alone. As for the boy, he loved it. He was the center of attention for a lot of the night and totally hammed it up. I am fortunate to have three boys that are anything but milktoast. They are loaded with the potential to be very special in this life, and what they need most is good parenting to keep them on track. I hope I am up to the task.

It is a task I’m doing alone these days. I’m sure they get good parenting from their mom, but without any actual communication between us, I might as well be tilting at wind mills.

Sleep is finding me, slowing the tap tap tap of the keys and waisting my ten. I ought to listen this time…