2716. Reflections on a Monday Night

I’ve busied myself with watching vines. Vines are dead now, but the meme-driven media left behind gems like this. I’m doing it to avoid taxes! No, I merely neglected taxes. I’m actually zoning out to avoid a more important reality. Ours.

I think it is harder to do things like get in shape when you see everyone else in the ‘get in shape mode’ already in shape or working so much harder than you already are. The activation energy needed to get going is so high that I have not been even in the realm of turning it on. Meanwhile all around me I see writers stepping up, turning it on, and engaging completely in their opportunity to be successful.

Hungry writers make me more hungry. At least they used to when I had that activation energy to care as much as I should. That right there is something I need to delve into more. When I have the energy, of course.