2712. Reflections on a Thursday Night

Turns out brain age is a thing. I first heard about it as a high school freshman when I remained convinced that immortality was possible. The articles on brain age bounced off my psyche. Now that I feel so much slower I have done the research and there is definitely something to it. The human brain peaks in multiple phases from 25-40. I’m past that peak point and I need to figure out how to make use of the brain I have today vs. complaining about what was.

Complaining won’t change the universe.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Destroyer by Brett Battles is awful. I continue to read out of respect for the author. He absolutely mailed this one in. The protagonist is barely likeable from the last book, but book two of this series raises him to a new echelon of bad decisions and flawed logic. Battles is one of those authors who gives really good audiobook, so when I finished the first of the Rewinder series I went in for book 2. Bad idea. I fear a trained monkey might make better choices. Better yet, an untrained one. The best part is when the dude stabs himself in the leg and doesn’t notice. By best I mean low point of his stupidity. Everything else he does is fa dumber, and we have to listen to him explain each bad choice. There is a writer’s saying–If a character takes an action that makes no sense, you must explain said action and the motivations behind it. This is often done a few times in a giant novel. Here it is every page. I want to stab the protagonist with a fat spoon.
  2. ‘Will you coach next year?’ If you’ll have me. Sounds pretty much like a dude who isn’t expecting a lot of respect and desire from the guys he coaches with. Also sounds like a dude waaaaay out of the loop. I’m that dude. I have a horrible habit of losing self confidence in settings where I am not sure of my value or role.