
There are days–entire weeks even-when I think, “bring on the zombies!” If I listen hard enough I can hear humanity falling apart. Maybe I’m wrong. We have experienced a dozen worst decades than this. Still, on the front end of a decade of darkness there is little to point to that is light and hopeful. We don’t have a leadership structure that points towards hope–anywhere.

This is what I’ve noticed over the past few years. At the tail end of the Obama presidency I noticed a shift in leadership both in the political and private sectors. We’ve shifted back to pessimism, down for self ideology, and a heightened desire to take what you can grab as quickly as you can. This is not going away and it will likely get worse, because leadership at all levels and sectors is not at all altruistic.

There is an importance in altruistic leadership. We need people who generally want to make things better and not just want to make things better for themselves or are simply in it for the prestige or money or to check out the role. Still, those are the folks in chargeĀ everywhere and after a while it is going to really show.


Some Thoughts:

  1. My death clock date is November 16, 2026. 9 years. That sucks. Of course, a different measure suggests I have longer. I’m going to go with: I need to get my health straight.