
I haven’t been writing for the past few days–getting adjusted to life in Rome is a major undertaking. Of course it is only for a month, but settling in is settling in. I’m learning where all the expensive food is and all the good food is and that these are not necessarily the same place. My partner and I were just discussing the fact that we haven’t had a wow moment yet with the food here. It has been good but I still have my socks on. Yeah, I go old and corny on the jokes. It is, apparently, an affliction common amongst fathers.

We haven’t adjusted to the times yet, but a 7 AM alarm is in place to see if we can get jump started on that before our early morning/all day jaunt to the extremely walkable Naples in a few days. I need that jumpstart. I also need to figure out spots to rest because I don’t have 12 hours on my feet in me at present. After a while the humidity (I think) crawls into my veins and makes it impossible for me to function at peak. I ran out of steam this afternoon just walking the city streets. By the time we made it back to the walkup I was covered in sweat and ready for a shower and bed. I’m still up but it won’t be that way for long. 7 AM isn’t too far on the horizon.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I don’t think I’ve been a terrible father. I feel like my boys are set up for independence and success. The three blood ones perhaps as much so as the other two, but I’m still feeling that some are better off than others. Two in particular come to mind with a 3rd and a 4th close behind. The baby I’m unsure about his future–he has to get himself right. The girl… the same.
  2. Why did that come up? Thinking about kids going overseas and how wonderful that is…